Teaching primary mathematics is nothing but a cakewalk, but a few parents will agree on this. Because the problem is that we are not aware of the correct approach when helping children with primary math.
So, what we do instead is making the subject even fiercer before them. You must go beyond the bindings of pencil and paper and adopt new strategies. These will not just make the concepts easier for them, but they will definitely be turned into little mathematicians.
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Following are the secrets to helping children with Primary Math at home:
1. Sequence and organize the available information
When you are helping children with primary math, the first thing to remember is that you might take a lot of information for granted. We often tend to start explaining from a wrong point thinking that the child is already aware of it.
It doesn’t utilize proper consolidation of the child’s knowledge in the topic and subject. As a result, the kid reaches the height of frustration and is quickly demotivated from understanding the subject.
2. Go slow
So the tip here is to start from scratch. It is crucial to eliminate all sorts of assumed information that you, as a mentor already possess. This is because mathematics at such a tender age may seem very easy to you.
But this is not the case you are helping children with primary math. Everything is new to them and they are depending on you through every step of learning.
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3. Have a comprehensive outlook
The best way to determine which approach will work best, you can consult the text and curriculum book of the standard you are dealing with. The curriculum handbook released by the state authority generally has a wide range of information on how the child should learn the specific topic.
It also details how much the child should learn and how each component should be introduced so that the young minds do not feel perplexed.
4. Break down the information
When you are helping children with primary math, you will be surprised at how easily you can teach them new concepts.
All you have to do is to break down the information into small chunks and go slow. This will help your child to get an idea of the fresh topic and utilize the newly-learned information adeptly.
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5. Use relevant examples
Helping children with primary math involves a lot of relevant examples. The issue with Mathematics as a subject is that it is an abstract concept.
So, to concretize learning, you must cite as many examples as possible to make learning fun and fruitful. This will aid you to relate back to the topic with the happenings of the real world.
6. Allow them to apply
No matter how much you explain the concepts using different ways, they won’t be able to grasp and remember it. So, it is very crucial that they learn and understand the maths concepts by themselves so that they can apply the same wherever necessary.
Though kids are adept at learning the numbers and digits, they often lack the concept of how much value each number represents.
While helping children with primary math, therefore, you should use fruit pieces or chocolates or any such small items for demonstrating the abstract concept. Your child will remember the idea behind it much clearly.
With time, you will see that your child is able to group the objects all by himself without any assistance.
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7. Cite the right examples
For instance, when you are teaching fractions, you can use the segments of an orange or pizza slices. This can help in modeling the part and the whole.
Your primary aim is to link the concepts of the subject to the real world that surrounds the child. After this is achieved, you can take your child to the original theory by using conventional methods.
You will be amazed at how fast your child catches the various concepts using these methodologies. Not only he but you as a teacher will also be interested in teaching the subject.
8. Use different manipulatives
As you cite real-life examples while helping children with primary math, you should also allow him to do the same. This will give him the fair chance of linking the theories to his own personal experiences.
Also, you will get a scope to realize whether or not the teaching-learning process has been effective. For instance, when you are explaining the concept of time, you can use a real clock that has moveable hands.
9. Discourage passive learning
The most significant thing here is to ensure that the young child has a scope to be physically active while learning anything. He should not be a passive entity in the process.
Therefore, you should encourage your child to get their hands on the learning objects and resources when you are helping children with primary math.
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10. Inspire them to give ideas
In this manner, your child should be interested in trying and finding the various opportunities to apply their newly gained knowledge. It could be something commonplace as how to cut the pie for the dinner. Or suppose, how many chocolates he should carry to the class to ensure equal distribution.
When your child is able to take the upper hand in applying the concepts in the environment that surrounds him, then he will have more confidence. As a teacher and guide, you will also feel great in helping children with primary math.
The final say on helping children with primary math-
Mathematics surrounds us in all possible ways. So how about making it a day to day fun activity? This is probably the best way of helping children with primary math.
You can assist him in making most of his daily lessons by incorporating it into the daily routine. You can give him simple questions like how many red cars can he see at a particular signal?
It is your responsibility to show that mathematics has nothing to be afraid of. It is actually a fun and pragmatic subject that simply requires our reasoning and observation power to arrive at the truth, or rather, the correct answer.
Have more tips to add to the list of helping children with primary math? Please share your valuable teaching tips with us in the comments section below.
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Wish you a very Happy Teaching and Parenting!
Author: Puran Kaushal