
Rules of Healthy Sleep: Using Montessori Bed in Kids’ Rooms

Montessori beds not only add style to a child’s room but also become a wonderful aid in comprehensive kid development. They create a comfortable and stimulating environment where a child can freely express their activity, creativity, and independence. By choosing a Montessori bed for your kiddo, you invest in their development, creating a cozy world for learning and exploration.

What is a Montessori bed?

Through her work with children and scientific experiments, Dr. Montessori discovered that the formation of new skills and the speed of a child’s development are directly correlated with their surroundings. Maria Montessori explained in detail what the environment should be like, where children can freely express their talents, discover the world, learn new things, and become more confident individuals.

In addition to requirements for classrooms, Dr. Montessori also paid attention to play and rest areas for children. One aspect she worked on was developing rules for healthy sleep. She concluded that a bed should be as low as possible: either on low legs or placed directly on the floor. At an early age, while an infant hasn’t fully mastered body movements, the use of side rails is allowed. For preschoolers, they are no longer necessary.

The bed material should be sturdy yet natural and pleasant to touch. Therefore, wooden models prove to be the best bed option.

By following these and other recommendations for organizing sleeping spaces, it was possible to create an ideal kids’ bed. And since it is fully inspired by Montessori’s approaches and concepts, it now carries this name.


Kid’s Development and Floor Beds: Where’s the Connection?

Montessori beds impress with their uniqueness and functionality. They not only provide comfort for sleep but also create a conducive environment for development.

  1. Montessori beds are designed with consideration for a child’s growth and development. They have a low height, allowing the child to independently get on and off the bed, promoting their autonomy and coordination.
  2. The physical activity required for using the bed contributes to the development of motor skills and movement coordination. Moreover, they stimulate the development of cognitive skills as the child learns to understand spatial relationships and connections.
  3. Montessori beds provide space for creativity and self-expression. A child can transform their bed into a reading nook, a play area, or a spot for their favorite toys. This nurtures their imagination and creativity, while also teaching them to see different possibilities in object use.
  4. Montessori beds teach children self-organization and responsibility. For instance, toddlers learn to make their beds, decorate them, and adjust them to their needs independently.

Why is it easier for a child to get used to a Montessori bed?

Such beds are the best at helping a child adapt to a new sleeping place when they outgrow their regular crib, and it’s time to transition to a regular bed. Meanwhile, some crib models are suitable even for newborns and later grow along with them. For example, playpen bed models offer a 2-in-1 solution: during their active time, the kids can play there, and when it’s time to rest, toys are removed, and little ones can have the sweetest dreams.

The familiar environment creates a feeling of maximum safety, ensuring a sweet and peaceful sleep. As the child grows, the side rails of the playpen can be removed, and the structure can continue to be used as a regular bed to which the child has long been accustomed.

[Read Guide To Sleep And Your Newborn]

Guidelines for Using Montessori Beds in a Child’s Room: Safety Considerations

Since the bed allows the kiddo to get up independently, not only the bed itself but also the room should be as safe as possible. It’s recommended to supervise children under the age of three in a separate room. It’s essential that no sharp or small objects, hazardous electrical appliances, or household chemicals are within the child’s reach. Also, ensure childproofing on windows.

A great idea is to place soft rugs around the bed to protect the child from injuries in case of falls and create a cozy and warm atmosphere in the room. Explain safety rules to your little one and ensure they understand and can follow them.

Safe Bed Usage

  • Make sure the bed is on a level surface and has a sturdy construction to avoid hazardous situations.
  • The distance between the bed and the wall should be sufficient to prevent injuries and provide easy access to the bed.
  • Use protective rails. Many Montessori floor beds have removable rails that provide additional safety for the child, especially for younger ones.
  • Regularly check the condition of the bed, its fixation, and any damages. Repair any identified issues before continuing to use the bed.
  • Select a mattress that fits snugly against the frame to eliminate gaps.

By following these rules, you ensure the safety and comfort of your toddler, and the Montessori floor bed becomes an excellent space for play, learning, and peaceful dreams.


Divya is a writer, who loves to read and write. She is a Company Secretary by profession. She is passionate about art, reading, writing, music, and creativity. She loves to do research on ‘Parenting’ and discover new things now and then. Her passion about positive parenting pushed her to write on ‘Wonder Parenting’. Her loving daughter, Vachie, helped her to dig deep and reach new heights on Parenting. She believes that ‘Parenting is Patience’ and shares her own journey to express that parenting approach differs for every individual.
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