Having a baby is a life-changing (and defining) event. Motherhood brings both excitement and stress and is one of life’s most special moments. A mother, who loves unconditionally, needs every bit of help she can get in raising her children. One of the easiest ways to relieve the burden of a new mom is to have the proper baby toolkit.
Let’s take a look at some of the items that every new mom needs!
1. Diapers
Diapers are always at the top of the list for a new mom. Babies need to be changed remarkably frequently throughout the day (around 13 times for newborns). Choosing the right diapers can be challenging and they should be ones without any additives or chemicals. Ideally, they should be soft, breathable, and free of chemicals to keep the baby comfortable the entire day like BabyCozy’s Bouncy Soft Diapers (40% off, available Nov.7 – Dec.4, 2022.)
2. Baby Wipes
With changing diapers, come baby wipes – a lot of them. Having the right wipes is crucial to keep the baby clean and healthy. Using baby wipes that contain alcohol might cause irritations and skin dehydration. So choosing eco-friendly wipes like BabyCozy Coconut Nourish Wipes (30% off, available Oct 26 – Nov 30, 2022) is better since they contain natural substances and essential oils.
3. Wearable Breast Pump
Many mothers also need a breast pump. It can be a challenge to find the right breast pump that’s comfortable and has sufficient battery power. Two excellent breast pumps for a new mom include the Momcozy S9 Pro and the Momcozy S12 Pro. The Momcozy S9 Pro has the advantage of having a long-lasting battery while the Moncozy S12 Pro benefits from being more comfortable and efficient.
4. Baby Bathtub
Another essential item for new mothers is a baby bathtub. Showers are a no-go while regular baths are a little overkill. A simple little transportable baby bathtub comes in handy for bathing one’s infant.
5. Baby Crib
A baby needs a baby bed. Find a comfortable crib where the baby can happily sleep. Two things to consider when choosing a crib. First of all, is whether it would be better to get a rocking crib to put the baby to sleep better, and secondly, if the crip should have high walls to stop the baby from crawling out and getting into mischief.
6. Baby Bottles
No matter how hard you try you won’t be able to breastfeed your baby every single time your baby wants. Frankly, life gets in the way, and your breasts aren’t machines, which is why having baby bottles handy is always a great idea. Just make sure to choose anti-colic bottles that imitate a real breastfeeding angle, so your baby doesn’t get bottle-shy or gassy!
7. Pacifier
All babies love to suck and a pacifier is a great way to keep the baby happy (and quiet). It is a great idea to get a pacifier that is connected to the baby’s clothes so that it doesn’t lose them all the time.
8. Stroller/Push Chair
Unless one would like to carry the baby all the time, every mother will need to get a stroller to push the baby around. There are some strollers with larger wheels that enable mothers to go out on errands with their babies. Your baby is sure to enjoy time out with mom or dad!
9. Baby Bib
Babies are some of the world’s messiest eaters (the cute little devils). So to save the clothes from the need of being constantly changed after every meal, bibs are a crucial part of your baby’s attire.
10. Baby Cam
Baby cameras are not a must but they can make life much easier for a new mom and dad. Put a camera in the baby’s room over the crib and have a live feed of the baby sleeping. Baby cams can take a lot of worries off your mind and save you from constantly getting up and checking on the baby.
These are just a few of the many necessities mothers will need to keep their babies happy. While the list may seem overwhelming at first, with the right toolkit you can focus more on enjoying the precious moments with your little one!