Did you know that about 10% of women have trouble getting pregnant and are constantly worried about how to boost your fertility? For many couples, this reality can rapidly become difficult and potentially sad when they desire to start a family.
You’re probably looking for ways to boost your fertility and make yourself more fertile if you’ve been trying to have a baby but haven’t had any luck for a long time now. Dealing with an infertility specialist is crucial for many women who want to become — and stay — pregnant.
You may feel helpless or compelled to “do” anything during the infertility process. When this emotion occurs, many women resorts to the internet for “tips” on how to boost your fertility.
Up to 15% of couples struggle with infertility. The journey to motherhood might be difficult at times, but know that you are not alone in your hardships. There are some healthy techniques to improve your fertility, fortunately. Furthermore, changing your diet and lifestyle can help you boost your fertility.
There is a lot of information available on the impact that diet, exercise, and lifestyle have on your chances of becoming pregnant. Much of it can be perplexing, if not downright contradictory.
Certain vitamins are said to be essential for pregnancy on one source, but the same vitamins are said to be harmful on another. One source may recommend a particular diet, while another may claim that eliminating those same items is the key to boost your fertility.
Given below are few tips to boost your fertility:
Consume antioxidant-rich foods
Antioxidants which are present in the form of folate and zinc are helpful and beneficial for both men as well as women to boost your fertility. The role of these antioxidants is to thoroughly neutralize free radicals in the body, that can later become harmful for sperm and egg cells.
Reduce Caffeine dependence
While a morning cup of coffee is unlikely to cause problems, a major caffeine addiction might produce hormonal imbalances that make it difficult to conceive and turns out to be an obstacle when you want to boost your fertility.
Consider cutting back on caffeine to one cup or less each day for ladies searching for a simple way to improve their chances of conception.
Relax to boost your fertility
While stress does not prevent unwanted pregnancies, it can lead to behaviours that can make it more difficult to conceive or maintain a pregnancy. Stress can cause you to consume more alcohol or smoke more cigarettes.
Yes, the infertility process might be difficult at times, but you should try to relax as much as possible. Find ways to distract yourself from the things you can’t control by confiding in a spouse or friend, taking a warm bath, laughing, or reading a book which will encourage you to boost your fertility.
Brush your teeth
Periodontal disease can make reproductive treatments less effective. Why? The answer is very simple, due to its long-term bacterial infection. Since infections have been linked to failed IVF procedures.
Maintaining good oral hygiene will help you avoid problems like periodontal disease, as well as infections that could interfere with your reproductive treatments thereby helping you to boost your fertility.
Get rid of the extra pounds
Being overweight might lower a man’s sperm count and slow down his movement. It can also cause hormonal imbalances, which can affect the process you are following to boost your fertility.
If you’re overweight, adopt an exercise plan that suits you and make dietary changes to improve your fertility. Are you unsure where to begin? Consult your doctor for recommendations and resources on how to lose weight and increase your capacity to boost your fertility.
Breakfast should be more substantial
Women who are having trouble conceiving may benefit from eating a full breakfast. As per the research, it is said that consuming a larger or heavy breakfast helps in dealing with the hormonal consequences of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
The majority of calories consumed at breakfast lowered insulin levels by 8% and testosterone levels by 50% in moderate-weight women with PCOS.
Reduce the use of mobile phones
A deleterious impact on the ovaries, uterus, and embryo has been reported in several animal studies investigating the effect of cell phone radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) on reproductive function.
The motility of sperm exposed to RF-EMF is reduced, and they are more likely to have an aberrant appearance. Cell phone use has been linked to a reduction in sperm concentration, motility, and normal appearance.
The anomalies appeared to be proportional to the amount of usage. There is no evidence, however, that cell phone use by women or men is linked to infertility.
Many women take a variety of prescription and over-the-counter drugs without contemplating the impact on their fertility. If you’re having trouble conceiving, make a list of all the drugs, vitamins, and supplements you use on a regular basis and talk to your pharmacist about how they can affect your fertility.
Stay Healthy!