safe termination of pregnancy-wonderparenting

Safe Termination of Pregnancy | Contraceptives for family planning | Dr. Prathima Reddy

It is important to know the methods of Safe Termination of Pregnancy for all the age groups and the types of contraceptives available.

World over the unintended pregnancy rate is high and this was estimated as 70 per 1,000 women aged 15–49 in India in 2015 (The incidence of abortion and unintended pregnancy in India, 2015  S Singh et al, Glob Health 2018; 6: e111–20 Lancet) which is similar to the rates in neighboring Bangladesh (67) and Nepal (68), and much lower than the rate in Pakistan (93). Thus it translates into an abortion rate of 47 per 10000 women.  

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Most unintended pregnancies happen because of a lack of information about contraception or a lack of responsibility for preventing pregnancy. Hence the responsible use of contraception prevents unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and complications.

What is Safe Termination of pregnancy (TOP) or Abortion?

It is the removal of products of conception or the fetus and placenta (afterbirth) from the uterus. The terms placenta and fetus usually are used after eight weeks of pregnancy, while the other terms describe tissue produced by the union of a sperm and an egg before eight weeks.

The commonest reason for voluntary safe termination of a pregnancy is an unintended or unwanted pregnancy.  Malformations or abnormalities of the baby incompatible with life are also a reason for a medically indicated termination.

Safe Termination of Pregnancy _ Contraceptives for family planning _ Dr. Prathima Reddy-wonderparenting

What is the legal limit of safe termination of pregnancy in India?

According to the MTP act of India, it is illegal to terminate a pregnancy beyond 20 weeks of gestation.

Unsafe Abortions

On average, 56 million abortions took place all over the world during the years 2010 – 2014. Of these 25 million were unsafe abortions. Most of the unsafe abortions take place in the developing world.  Even in the 21st century on an average of 13 women die due to unsafe abortions in India.  And this happens despite the safe termination of pregnancy is legal up to 20 weeks in this country.  

Unsafe abortions can cause morbidity, mortality, and long-term sequelae leading to pain and infertility.  So they also have a huge emotional impact on the woman.

What are the methods of safe termination of pregnancy (TOP)?

  • TOP can be performed with tablets or with a minor procedure or surgery.  
  • It must be performed by a doctor trained to perform terminations.
  • Pre and post-procedure counseling is very important to ensure that the complications and sequelae associated with the procedure are minimal.

A checklist before the procedure would include:

  • An ultrasound scan to determine the location and the age of the pregnancy.
  • Blood tests to check that the woman is not anemic and to note the blood group and to check for sexually transmitted infections.
  • Counseling may be required for women to prevent psychological sequelae.
  • Women with Rhesus negative blood group would require an injection called Anti D post-procedure to prevent Rhesus isoimmunization in future pregnancies.  
  • Antibiotics may need to be administered as also painkillers.
  • Post-procedure and ultrasound scan would be required if tablets were used, to confirm that complete abortion has taken place.

What are the different types of Contraception available?

For thousands of years, contraceptives have been in use. In France, a cave painting which is 15,000 years old shows what is possibly the first illustration of a man who is wearing a condom. Around 1500 BC in ancient Egypt, women would mix sodium carbonate, honey, and crocodile dung into a pessary and insert it into their vaginas before sex. In ancient China, concubines used a drink of mercury and lead in order to prevent pregnancy.  

Over the centuries contraception has advanced into what is accessible today.

Contraceptions can be divided mainly into two categories.

Methods with no user failure – methods that don’t depend on you remembering to take or use them eg. Intrauterine Device (IUD, commonly known as CuT or the loop) /Intrauterine System (IUS), Contraceptive Injections, Implants, Sterilization.

Methods with user failure – methods that depend on how well you use them eg. Pills, Condoms, Diaphragm, Natural Family Planning methods, etc.

They are also divided into Reversible and Irreversible or Permanent Methods.  The latter include female and male sterilization. All the other methods fall into the Reversible category.

The most commonly used contraceptive methods in India are Condoms, IUD, Contraceptive pills, Injectables, and Female sterilization. Other less commonly used methods are Natural Family Planning methods, Withdrawal, Vaginal ring, Contraceptive patch, Female Condoms, Diaphragm with spermicide.

Is Contraception 100% effective?

No! Each one of them has a failure rate including the sterilization operation.  However, depending on how well they are used, most of them are very effective.

So you can discuss failure rates with your doctor.

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I need contraceptive advice should I see a doctor?

Yes, it would be preferable to see your doctor since he/she will need to take a thorough history and do a full examination to help decide which contraceptive method is best for you. Your doctor will also discuss with you the failure rates of the various birth control methods and advise you as to what is to be done in the event of “contraceptive failure”.

And Finally………………

With all the Contraceptive methods available, be responsible, be safe, use contraception, and hence prevent unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.  

You owe it to yourself.

Authored by Dr. Prathima Reddy MBBS, MRCOG (London), FRCOG (London), FACOG (USA)

Dr. Prathima Reddy

Director – Fortis La Femme, Bangalore
Chairperson – Medical Council Committee – Fortis La Femme
Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Wish you a Happy and Healthy Life!


Divya is a writer, who loves to read and write. She is a Company Secretary by profession. She is passionate about art, reading, writing, music, and creativity. She loves to do research on ‘Parenting’ and discover new things now and then. Her passion about positive parenting pushed her to write on ‘Wonder Parenting’. Her loving daughter, Vachie, helped her to dig deep and reach new heights on Parenting. She believes that ‘Parenting is Patience’ and shares her own journey to express that parenting approach differs for every individual.
Simple Living High Parenting!


