Human memory has no limits. Discover the magic power of the mind of children by following these tips on how to study effectively. Children are rarely taught these effective study tips in school.
Proven study techniques and good study habits can give your children an edge that could push them a grade higher. Parents can help children to follow these effective study tips and make a few changes in their study habits. Let’s read tips on how to study effectively.
A to Z tips on how to study effectively:
Attention and Awareness
Children need to be more attentive in class or any other learning session. They should be aware of what they are learning. By being alert in class and by asking questions, the concept would be cleared easily.
Break Big Tasks
If a task seems to be big, try to break it up into smaller parts. Achieving a big goal might be difficult for children, give them smaller goals which seem easy to achieve. For example, if an essay is long enough to remember, break it into points.
You can improve the concentration level of children by engaging them in meditation. You can also try some concentration booster games and activities such as coloring, memory games, etc.
Discipline plays an important role to grow in everyone’s life. Teach your children how to follow self-discipline by being disciplined yourself first. Children follow us rather than following our advice.
Creating a proper and effective environment is necessary if you want your child to concentrate well. You can read books or do any of your tasks while they are studying. Proper light and sitting arrangement must be provided in the study area to make children comfortable. If the environment is enthusiastic, children might study longer.
Flash Cards
Using flash cards is an easy way to remember things. To memorize formulae or tables, flash cards are the best option. Create small and colorful flash cards which children can easily carry and look at whenever they get time.
Write the daily goals and tick them when completed. Do not make big goals, instead make smaller goals according to the capacity of children.
Fix out the hours to study daily and strictly follow the hours. Divide the hours well into play and study both. Give them a target that they have to complete these number of chapters or topics in a day. If they complete those topics in a lesser time, rest would be their bonus time which they can utilize for their hobby time or to play. If they could not complete the topics in a given time, their hobby time would be reduced. In this way, they will be more focused to complete their work on time.
Infographics are the graphic visual representation of information or data. Use various infographics such as charts and diagrams to explain the concept. A good infographic is worth a thousand words which enhances learning. Content and design should be legible and easy to understand.
Jot Down in a Journal
Help children to jot down their daily learnings in a journal so you can track the performance. You can make the necessary changes if performance or learning in a particular subject is lacking behind.
Knowledge Sharing
Keep sharing knowledge with your children. Tell them everything you know. Even while traveling, you can share your knowledge with them. Even if you are walking around with them or watching a movie, give them the related knowledge capsules or info-bites as much as you can.
Studying in proper light has much effect on memory. Sunlight is the best for eyes. Always make your children study in a well-lit and well-ventilated room. The absence of proper light while studying affects their eyes and health.
Teach them how to study effectively by marking important points. Either underline with a pencil or mark with a highlighter which will help them to remember the important points while revising.
Preparing notes is one of the most important tasks while studying. It helps in understanding the concept well. Notes should be legible and contain infographics with sufficient marking. This is one of the best tips on how to study effectively.
The organization brings in the efficiency of students. Being organized gives children an edge over others, it saves time and energy. Teach them how to study effectively by organizing their books, notes, drawers and study material to improve their productivity.
Pomodoro Technique
Pomodoro technique is key to increasing productivity. Taking regular breaks at proper intervals improves focus. According to this technique, set a timer and work for 25 minutes (“a Pomodoro”) and then take a 5 minutes break. Reset your timer and work for another Pomodoro (25 minutes) and after four Pomodoro sessions, take a longer break of 20 to 30 minutes to rejuvenate.
Quiet Place
Studying in a quiet place without any distraction improves concentration level. Select a particular area for studying which is noiseless. Silence prompts cell development in the hippocampus region of the brain, where memories are formed.
Read and Repeat
Teach children to read more and more to gain more knowledge. Repeat as much as they can. Make revision a habit to retain the concepts in mind effectively. Reading is the key to success.
Sleep Schedule
Maintain a sleep schedule to increase productivity. Tell children to develop this healthy habit to improve focus and how to study effectively.
Since ages, students have been told to follow a timetable for how to study effectively. Help children to make and follow a timetable which has a balanced time for studies and other activities. If anything is skipped while following the timetable, try to compensate it for the following activity. Remember children are not robots, make a flexible timetable and keep changing as and when required.
Help your children to understand the concept clearly by using various methods such as infographics and videos. Never teach them to cram up the lessons, cramming the lessons will not help them in the long run.
Children learn better with the help of visuals. We remember only 20% of what we hear, 40% of what we read, 80% from an audio-visual and 95% of what we have taught to someone else. So, it is better to teach children with an audio-visual to make them learn better.
Learning something and then writing it helps children to retain more. Make writing a daily practice, it will not only improve creative writing but also the handwriting. Good handwriting gives an edge in the presentation in answer sheets.
After making worksheets for children, make sure you take a few Xerox copies of the same. It will save your time and energy as you don’t have to make worksheets again and again. Children can revise their concepts well by filling the worksheets.
Yoga and exercise are healthy habits which help children to keep their mind and body healthy. A healthy mind and a healthy body always increase productivity.
By following all the above tips, create zeal in your children to study more effectively.
I hope these ideas would encourage your child to study more effectively. Have any new tips on how to study effectively that worked for you and your child? Please share them with us in the comments section below.
Wish you a very Happy and Effective Parenting!