Benefits of storytelling for kids-wonderparenting

Benefits of Storytelling For Kids | Learn Storytelling in 15 Steps

Benefits of storytelling for kids – It is not only a source of joy but it helps to create a strong bond with your child and boosts his cognitive faculties. According to research, 18 to 25-month-old children whose parents have been reading to them regularly were able to speak and understand more words comparatively.

“There is no substitute for books in the life of a child.” – Mary Ellen Chase

It is a technology freak world of lifeless interactions. There is nothing more joyous than snuggling to your baby and read to him. Storytelling before bedtime at an early age not only develops the reading habit but also improves everyday communication skills of your child. The habit of reading from infancy has immense benefits in the formative years.

Benefits of storytelling for kids-wonderparenting

Also Read: Short Stories for Kids

Essentials of Storytelling:

Learn Storytelling by following these 15 steps.

  1. The story should be engaging and entertaining.
  2. Introduce the characters involved.
  3. Language should be simple.
  4. Use familiar vocabulary.
  5. Just tell the story, do not beat around the bush.
  6. Be enthusiastic about your story. If you will enjoy telling the story, your child would be more interested in listening to it.
  7. Make it interactive by simply telling your child to decide the names of the characters or the town’s name.
  8. Show him, don’t tell. Use details by showing pictures and illustrate.
  9. Be creative and use voice inflections.
  10. Express emotions by making use of gestures and body language.
  11. Use finger puppets to tell the story to make it more interesting.
  12. You can pick any toy from your child’s collection to narrate a story to make it more realistic for him.
  13. Use different props or music to enhance the story.
  14. Keep it short and sweet.
  15. Do not forget to ask the moral of the story, it will enhance his learning.

Also Read: Best Kids Bedtime Stories

Benefits of storytelling for kids-wonderparenting

Benefits of Storytelling for kids:

Here are 5 benefits of storytelling for kids which you should know.

  1. Improves Focus and Attention

When parents read to their kids or tell them stories, their visual and motor skills develop. While you are narrating a story to your little one, it keeps him quiet for some time and helps him seated in one place and focused. It strengthens his attention span.

Benefits of storytelling for kids-wonderparenting

  1. Improves Imagination

Through various characters and objects of a story, their curiosity levels reach the next level. Their imagination gets wings which help them to discover a new world and explore. Books are the best friends one can have during the lifetime.

Storytelling should be in an interactive way to raise the IQ level by over 6 points. Children are able to distinguish between the fantasy world and the real world.

Ways to Raise Happy Children While Dealing with Stress-wonderparenting

  1. Enhances Communication Skills and Language

It is one of the benefits of storytelling for kids. Use of appropriate body language and gestures while narrating a story is of great importance. It will improve his verbal and non-verbal communication skills too. Once you get the reading habit inculcated in your child at an early age, you will see the curiosity in him to learn more about the world.

The more he will read, the more his language and communication skills will improve. The habit of reading gives your child an extra edge during his lifetime. Make the storytelling session more interactive to have the best reading experience.

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  1. Creates Bonding

The storytelling time is the time when you give full attention to your child. It is the personal interaction which nurtures a healthy and positive parent-child relationship. Your child will learn to express himself better and he will be able to make out his opinions after hearing your views. Let him act on your reaction while narrating a story.

  1. Facilitates Love for Reading

Teach kids to love books from an early age. Do not make it a compulsion, instead build a habit as a source of enjoyment. Expose your child not only to stories but also to rhymes, poems, plays, etc.

benefits of reading-wonderparenting

Start reading and enjoy it as children are the best imitators. Make an environment conducive to reading. Gradually, you will come to know your child’s interest in books. Always choose the books according to his interest to make him comfortable. Once a habit is created, later on, you can introduce different types of books. Make the reading zone comfortable and stress-free to reap the maximum benefits out of it.

Also Read: Good Habits for Kids

Have more to add to the benefits of storytelling for kids? Please share with us the benefits of storytelling for kids in the comments section below.

Wish you a very Happy and Interactive Parenting!



Divya is a writer, who loves to read and write. She is a Company Secretary by profession. She is passionate about art, reading, writing, music, and creativity. She loves to do research on ‘Parenting’ and discover new things now and then. Her passion about positive parenting pushed her to write on ‘Wonder Parenting’. Her loving daughter, Vachie, helped her to dig deep and reach new heights on Parenting. She believes that ‘Parenting is Patience’ and shares her own journey to express that parenting approach differs for every individual.
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