Stages of Early Childhood Development and Safety Precautions (1)

Five Stages of Early Childhood Development and Safety Precautions

Children grow and develop new skills rapidly, but not always according to our wish or not always as we might expect. Here we will be paying attention to different stages of early childhood development that your baby and young child will go through. When the child is in development stages, he or she might need some precautions too. If you know which new skills are likely to come next you can anticipate necessary safety precautions.

Stages of early childhood development

Your child develops faster skills and abilities in the first two years and after that, the learning graph keeps on changing depends on the growth and mind of the child. The baby who first can’t move from place to place very soon becomes able to roll over. After that baby learns to sit, grasp over things around them, crawl, pull up to stand, walk around with furniture and finally they walk alone. The stages can be anything while growing up but the curiosity is the same in every baby like what’s going on in their surroundings and always want to find more and put everything to test.

signs of weaning

Let’s find out here different stages of early childhood development and what precautions should we keep in mind with the developing child.

Early Childhood Development and Safety Precautions

  1. The early months of childhood- the early months of a child is first three months.

  • The babies at very early stages of development soon learn to suck their fingers rather whatever comes their way like bedsheets or any clothing around them.
  • Next, they learn to lift up their heads and some babies try to roll over before three months of their age.


Accidents may happen even at such an early childhood development stage but they are less likely with a little forethought. Below is some list of precautions for early months.

 Never ever leave your baby with the older child of yours. They might harm the baby because they can be jealous of him/her or they don’t have knowledge of how to keep the baby.

Always check that any toys of the baby should be sturdily constructed with no sharp edges where fingers could get stuck.

Make sure that crib bars are placed or spaced properly so that babies head cannot get caught.

Don’t give your baby anything sharp or pointed in hands.

Don’t keep your mobile or any gadgets near your baby.

Don’t eat or drink while breastfeeding.

Never allow your pets to get into the baby crib and lie on baby’s face.

Pillow can be suffocating at this stage so don’t give them.

Never leave plastic bags or wrapping near the baby.

Never let your baby sleep in a bib or anything which is around the neck.

  1. Rolling and reaching

Babies start trying to roll over from the end of the third month. By five months they start to turn themselves over. Babies learn to roll from their tummy to back wisely at this stage. If you are changing your babies’ diaper or clothes then make sure you have everything in your arms reach. So that you don’t have to leave your baby even for a moment.


Grabbing and grasping:

Babies start reaching for things at four or five months and there’ll come a time when your baby reaches for something and actually grasp hold of it. She or he may put everything on the mouth and suck it.

Learning to sit:

The baby will soon learn to sit up by himself. Most of the babies will learn to sit without support between five and eight months.

Precautions at five to eight months baby development:

This early childhood development stage is very crucial for the parents to look after a baby. He can move here and there on the bed. There are some important precautions which parents should keep in mind while nurturing the tiny tots. They are:

o Check that toys are not small enough for him to swallow and choke on.

o Keep small hard items of finger foods in front of them, they are healthy with no harm.

o Don’t leave your babysitting alone, they might fall over.

o Use support like cushion while they are sitting.

o Never carry a hot drink while carrying a baby.

o Never let a baby play on the floor near a door that could open.

o Never leave baby unattended near water.

  1. Crawling and walking:

Once the baby starts to crawl, your life will never be the same again because the baby will be able to crawl anywhere and can get into anything which you can’t even imagine. They are so fast and naughty. Most babies can crawl by ten months and at the same time, some babies are so lazy in crawling while others may start walking from bottom shuffling.


The babies become more mobile at this stage so the home should be safe for them to crawl or walk. Let’s discuss some of them for this stage of early childhood development.

o Safety covers for all electric sockets.

o A safety gate to prevent access to stairs or any other part of the home.

o Safety catches to secure drawers and cupboard doors.

o Clear everything from the room that could be dangerous for the baby to hold.

o Fire and water equipment should be guarded as they attract more to the baby.

o Never leave your baby unattended inside or outside the house.

baby walker

  1. Climbing and running:

A child who can climb and run can find danger easily around him. Some babies are wise during their process of development while others just move faster without giving it a thought. A playground is a good idea to check your baby capabilities of taking risk and precautions. Never limit your baby from play because it kills their creativity and they may harm their eves sometimes while playing freely but its ok, always be around and protect them.

Precautions:   What safety measures the parents should take let’s have a look.

o Secure slippery rugs especially at the foot of the stairs.

o Never call to your child from across the road.

o Never leave your child in a room with open windows.

o Never let your child tease unknown pets, it can be dangerous.

o Replace glasses of your home with tempered glass.

o Don’t let your child walk in slippery footwear.

o Teach them not to run with pointed objects in her hands or with anything in her mouth.

  1. A developed or independent child:

Whatever the stages of early childhood development, a child’s progress in exploring the world is not always straightforward. While growing independent, the children may get ill, change a variety of schools, friends, the standard of living and can harm themselves during that process. Some children may listen to you and some will not. So, it’s better to let them, free soul, as they wish too. This applies to many areas like learning, playing, making friends etc. The child should be a free bird to have a good mind and body.

Things to remember while your child is growing independently:

o Always listen to your child. Never ignore.

o Teach your child not to get friendly with strangers.

o Always make sure that your child has the ability to express his or her words in front of you.

o Never leave your child under the supervision of another child.

o Never allow your child to ride a cycle on the road alone until or unless they are aware of road safety.

o Teach your child that never take any eatables and lift from strangers.

o Give them knowledge of good touch or bad touch.

o Make sure that your child learns your mobile number.

Stages of Early Childhood Development and Safety Precautions

Hopefully, this article could make our lives as well as our kids’ life more secure and comfortable. But perhaps also as we move towards the twenty-first century and as we become more aware of things around us and so are our kids. We and our kids will learn to be gentler with ourselves and to rejoice in the love and care that we can accept and share from a very early childhood development stages.

“As the bird can’t fly with one wing, the babies can’t grow themselves without seeking parent’s attention at every stage of their development and more specifically the early childhood development stage”.

Author: Richa AG | Mommy Blogger | SAHM

Richa AG

Wish you a very Happy and Safe Parenting!


Divya is a writer, who loves to read and write. She is a Company Secretary by profession. She is passionate about art, reading, writing, music, and creativity. She loves to do research on ‘Parenting’ and discover new things now and then. Her passion about positive parenting pushed her to write on ‘Wonder Parenting’. Her loving daughter, Vachie, helped her to dig deep and reach new heights on Parenting. She believes that ‘Parenting is Patience’ and shares her own journey to express that parenting approach differs for every individual.
Simple Living High Parenting!


