
Baby Development Stages | What to expect from birth up to three years?

What is baby development screening? Baby development screening is a test in which a pediatric intends to identify the risks of developing problems or determines if a child should be referred for diagnostic assessment or evaluation. Depending on the baby development stages, the screening provides a snapshot of a child’s functioning and overall development.

Why baby development screening is important?

The importance of developmental screening is to identify whether the child is developing speech and language, fine motor skills, gross motor power, problem-solving skills or last but not the least social skills.

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There is no systematic way of doing or seeing a baby’s development screening, however, the doctor may do a routine screening of your baby development stages. The doctor normally does it in routine physical examinations. During their examination, they see your child’s eyes, ears, nose, and the diaper area. These are the basic tests which a doctor does in the early months of baby development stages.

Our children are individual and they develop in their own way. But always remember that there are some basic well-recognized baby development stages – mental and physical skills which children acquire accordingly.

Basic Baby Development Stages

These basic baby development stages are listed below through the chart. The chart can be different for different babies but the common milestones could be the same.

Age Vision Hearing Speech Social Movement
Six weeks Follow a moving object within reach & can do up and down Can move at a loud sound or music Smile, gurgle, coo, and cry Fascinated by faces and can react by a smile Can kick, head control and bring hands together
Six months Can reach to a colored object while in a sitting position Listen to talks and may turn to any sounds Babbling like pa-pa, ma-ma, da-da etc. Probably search objects strongly when going out of his sight Reach to objects easily and can play with both the hands, can sit alone with some support, can lift head when lying, can move up and down while lying on the tummy
One year Can see things like an adult Can hear and understand almost everything Able to say words and may have their own jargons or verbal language Can play with the games like stacking cups, can imitate you, differentiate shapes, understand things around them Crawl and some can walk nicely, pick up things wid fingers, can do scribbling
Two years Can match identical toy when toys of varying sizes are held up Smart listeners Chatterbox by this time, can put several words together, sometimes echoes what they hear Do the opposite of what you want, can play alone and together, enjoy exploring surroundings Start running here and there also jump with both feet, can play football, draw lines and shapes, build blocks, open lid, undressing & washing hands
Three years Able to do a vision test in which a baby has to look at letters Become good listener Fluent in speaking, may learn rhymes and stories by heart Understand the concept of sharing things with friends, enjoy helping others, calmer Run around corners and stairs like an adult, can do cycling, eat himself, can take bath alone, use a knife and fork and may dress himself

Seven simple child development tips:

If your child is not developing according to the chart then you can always talk to your pediatrician or a child behavior expert or a child psychologist. The doctor will closely monitor the child’s progress to see if he is doing well or not, or he may advise special help. Problems can be spotted sooner if regular screenings are done.

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There are certain things which a parent can do while raising their babies to have a better development cycle.

  1. Proper nutrition, exercise, and rest are very important for a child’s healthy development.
  2. Provide safe and loving surroundings to your child.
  3. Always spend time with your child.
  4. Play, read, sing, and talk to your child.
  5. Let your child help you with simple chores.
  6. Encourage your child to play with other children. This will help him to learn the value of socialization and sharing at the same time.
  7. Always show the behavior which you expect from your child.

These small tips can make a big difference in a child’s development. Some children do not develop the skills according to age but parents are an important part of the developmental process. Babies prefer their parents face, voice, touch, and even smell over everything else. The parent and child connection is a key component in a child’s development and also supports further learning.

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“Nurture with the heart, build with the mind”!

Author: Richa AG | Mommy Blogger | SAHM

Richa AG

Wish you a very Happy and Progressive Parenting!



Divya is a writer, who loves to read and write. She is a Company Secretary by profession. She is passionate about art, reading, writing, music, and creativity. She loves to do research on ‘Parenting’ and discover new things now and then. Her passion about positive parenting pushed her to write on ‘Wonder Parenting’. Her loving daughter, Vachie, helped her to dig deep and reach new heights on Parenting. She believes that ‘Parenting is Patience’ and shares her own journey to express that parenting approach differs for every individual.
Simple Living High Parenting!


